I support this view. Rusty was one of the friendly figures sticking out when I was on demo. It took me years to get S2 (despite a sufficient and stable income, money is not always the problem / solution) and the maturity and help from S2 users made me coming back to the same combos. Without that I would have got fed up with the game and would probably not have S2 now.
BL1R is a very good track, much more challenging than the current demo configuration, but was so under used when I was "only" a demo user that I perfectly understand why the devs binned it.
Only the veteran demo users knew and used BL1R, and as a dev you surely do not want the demo users to become that experienced
What I do not understand is why there are not more severs running / racers racing demo cars or TBOs on BL1R.
I have a sorry bind as well.
1) I crash when I try typing while driving
2) I play on a laptop, so the keyboard is hiding behind the wheel - sorry would end up as sitrrsy or something the like if I tried to type that.
3) I use the sorry bind when I am not too sure who caused it / when the incident I caused has no visible consequences. Anything more serious, I stop / pit / spectate and type an apology. I prefer to stop and drive to the pits if it is still possible.
Any sorry is good to hear, if it is meant. The only way to show it is meant on virtual racing is by your actions.
Excessive politeness can lead to funny situations as well
I remember getting stuck on Dead Men Racing server after a minor collision ending in the grass - none of us could determine who caused it, so we waited for the other to rejoin the race first... lost about 30s typing "my fault, I think / after you / no you go first"
The Insim applications these days can be pretty complex and offer everything needed for a cruise server.
However the demo version of LFS does not allow objects on the track, so all you could get is some text / commands - that is probably not sufficient to become an interesting cruise thing.
Cruise servers in S2 (from what I understand only, I am not a fan) use custom layouts to simulate roads - BL track is too wide as it is.
The servers also give you the opportunity to make virtual money completing tasks or driving, money can then be used to buy new / more powerful cars. Considering the demo cars available, not much point here, don't you think?
For these reasons the programmers that create the applications for cruising work with S2 - no point in creating a complex application with such limited features I would think.
If you feel like programming visit the correct section in the forum to create your own demo cruise application and advertise it, you should get a server owner run it if it is any good
Do not listen to demo bashers in here, they are no majority but have unfortunately loud voices.
I enjoyed LX6 / mouse a lot until I bought a wheel.
Some more tips:
1) LX6 / mouse will be driveable if you set the "button control rate" lower than with other cars. Try the lower end values, maybe around 3-4.
This will artificially smooth your inputs (throttle / brake) and the car will become more stable. It should also reduce spinning tendency. Warning! Braking a bit earlier is necessary because full braking power will no more be available when you press the button.
2) Brake balance is a setting you should play with - less front bias mousing that using the wheel
3) Now the difficult part: To be fast with LX6 you will have to tap the buttons, especially throttle. Tapping frequency required is lower if the "button control rate" is low. This will be necessary to keep some gas in the corners, accelerate early enough, and brake late. I recommend (if not done already) that you use KB buttons for throttle / brake and keep the mouse for steering and gear changes, that is slightly more stable and ergonomics.
4) When you reach 1-2s off WR, get a wheel or get in touch with Palluka because I can no more help
Hi spenceris,
I'm interested to know roughly how long (driving time) it takes you to get back to speed with the wheel. Could you share this information here?
I bought a G25 some weeks ago but don't have much free time for LFS (age brings more money and less time to use it...) and am still 05-1.5s per minute slower than I was with mouse.
On the other hand I don't see how I would get back to mousing, too much fun loss.
Damn the thread title is misleading, I thought we were discussing left handers... you know, the ones that turn left
Lefty here as well, but many things are designed for right handed people so some tasks must be done with my right hand (scissors, mouse, **** can opener...).
My assumption is that you have a wrong configuration for the sequential shifter.
All you have to do is check you LFS config for the shifter, as you probably have the wrong buttons assigned to gear up/down (likely to be the paddles by the wheel).
Recalibrate the sequential mode in LFS with the shifter positions up/down and it should work!
And some of us will keep playing.
Interesting sidenote: The more you race, the faster it wears out. In some years all that will be left in LFS will be beginners ("kids") and casual racers ("old farts with busy life")
I hate Autocad as well, and am unable to achieve simple tasks with it despite years of attempts.
I use(d) SWK a lot at work, when my job required me to actually engineer something, and have always loved the flexibility it brings to 3D work. It gives the user a power to edit back the work up to the base sketch in a few seconds and explore all possibilities.
Drawbacks exist: due to this flexibility teamwork and reusing another designer work prove highly difficult without strong design rules...
I agree with the rest of your post, however I do not think that Race 2 is dead at all...
Attendance is variable but once a few are in it magically fills up.
I had a few races there last night (endurance day, 14-19 laps on BL1) and apart from finishing my races 30 seconds later than the leaders (G25 effect! still 1.5 seconds off my mouse pb for BL1/XRT ) it was as good and clean as usual, with above 50% drivers finishing the races.
Stick to it and the silver license will come by itself. Seeing how (not)fast I am, I'm pretty sure a majority of racers can reach silver easily.
CTRA grants points for speed but also cleanliness granted you finish high enough in the grid, better concentrate on this first! Speed (or some of it) will come eventually. Just race on race 1 and try to fight (fair) each race, even if out of points.
The dev team spent quite some time updating the online part for patch Z re-uniting licensed and demo racers / hosts.
Please explain me why they would now take a step backwards and separate demo from licensed in the forums...
Sounds interesting.
The issue with barriers will be more noticeable online of course, so maybe you should host your layout online for testing?
Lag is likely to create mayhem... because your position packets are not up to date, it is very easy to be a few cemtimeters out of position - enough to bring a tyre into a barrier, and then we wish you a nice flight
The only solution I see to this problem (whatever the sim) is experience and maturity.
There are ways to acquire experience faster, but maturity... My wife would say especially difficult for people driving their computers
So iracing selects a supposedly (and apparently that works) more "mature" crew by a grown-up affordable pricing policy, whereas in LFS it is left to the server admins to find a way to attract the correct crowd.
Last edited by Mille Sabords, .
Reason : added comment... and hid it
I'm looking forward to it, as I will probably no spend time tweaking XFG sets... Not my favorite car, although it is a good car for learners (but not only).
The added files are not .knw files but .trs files
These .trs files represent the "darker" lines you leave on the track by racing on it.
There are a few options that affect the way this darker path is updated (I think you can select your car only, or all cars running on the track - there is also a way to make this line darker or lighter if you search the forums)
I hope this will be used in the future for changing track condition (dynamic update )
What happen is each time you race on a new track configuration LFS creates a new .trs file, and then updates it if you use this config again.
The .knw files are no more updated and have been created by Scawen for the Z patch. They give the AIs the path ("ideal" line) and I assume they are also the ones used to give you the "4" display.
Perfectly described!
I think that's what I was using when I bumped into you on a demo server, I am sure this set can be fast but I should have studied a little bit before trying it, because it does punish inaccurate lines and (my case) inaccurate in a relaxed way braking points, braking force and throttle input.
Basically I was trying to be smooth with this set when it calls for on / off throttle - brake inputs and very precise steering.
I should take time to "tame" it for my beginner skills but... I always end up clicking on multiplayer-->race intead of garage-->practice when I start LFS